A 501C3 not-for-profit bringing Natural Prevention and Recovery into mainstream medicine KEY TOPICS AND QUICK LINKS:
Our Mission
The Foundation for Prevention is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to promoting disease prevention methods that work.
The leaves within our Tree-ofLife logo list many of the things we care about.
Our priority is the reversal of the current epidemics of diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome.
Our methods involve:
Teaching people how to make choices that will restore them to health.
Training health-care professionals at all levels, so that will be able to teach their patients using methods that work.
Advocating for openness and honesty in food processing, so that consumers understand the dangers of hidden ingredients that may be detrimental to their health.
Bringing mainstream medicine into harmony with non-pharmaceutical interventions, when they are effective.
Helping localities and industries bring better health to their communities.
Encouraging pragmatic research demonstrating prevention methods that actually work.
If you or a loved one have been helped by our work or by the methods we advocate,
please help us bring help to others.
Your tax-deductible contribution will help us carry out our mission.
Can you help us in other ways, or can we help you or your community?
** This website can not and is not intended to provide individual medical advice.
Consult a qualified medical practitioner for individual direction and medical advice. **